Saturday, December 2, 2023

December Writing Challenge

December 2023
Some first cousins and distant cousins had a writing challenge in November to write every day. It was hugely successful from a reader's view point. I loved reading their posts. Thank you ArlaLuciShilah and Emily

I started to feel inspired and wondered if I could do the same in December. The first day went by. I can tell you what happened after the fact.  =)

I was invited to a nesting party for Krysta. Her house was humming with gals dusting, washing, sweeping and preparing freezer meals. A young girl came along to be a baby sitter. We all contributed lunch items to make a delicious meal. I ended up slicing cheese, washing dishes, providing a recipe (which I just happened to have on my phone) and reading stories to the twins after they got home from a visit to their birth mom.

When the babies took a nap I also caught up on a nap. Drove bus and swept it. I took care
of the expense reports at HogSlat so Ellis can be reimbursed for the items he pays out of pocket. 

Ellis had a delivery to make after work. I rode along for the fun of it. We stopped at Aldi on the way back through Austin. I bought several kinds of cheese, sour cream and cream cheese to make a gigantic cheese ball.

Ellis helped me clean the township hall down the road from our house. It was overrun with box elder bugs -- the pesky critters.

When we got home we had tea and a seasonal Scandinavian treat - rosettes. 
December 1, 2023 - a long, full day!

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