Monday, October 23, 2023

two weeks ago

Mom and I went to church together yesterday.  Our minister walked over to Mom's side of the car when we were leaving. Mom rolled down the window and he said, "Now we have an 84 year old lady being a chauffeur for her 60 year old daughter."  🙂

Usually it's the other way around. I often am Mom's chauffeur. I think I could have driven. I'm not taking any narcotics. But I'll wait for official permission.   

Ellis went by train to MT for the weekend and Deanne drove to WI to visit her friend, Essy. I stayed at Mom's place and we are driving each other crazy - no, I meant - keeping each other company.  🙂

Two weeks have gone by remarkably fast. 

Today I cut up a squash and baked it. This afternoon I'm going to make my Grandma Martin's pumpkin pie. Using pureed squash. 
It is really a custard pie - not a true pumpkin pie. 

You can find the recipe in the Mary and Martha cookbook. That book contains recipes compiled from the ladies in the North Central Conference from years ago.

Here it is with a remarkable absence of instructions. It's my favorite and most likely I won't eat any other kind. Don't  be offended,  please.

On a side note - the lady bugs (Asian Beetles) are alive and well. Also box elder bugs.
But it's OK  I keep telling myself because we don't get those army worms that go through the northern part of the state every few years. Or the stink bugs that Deanne says they have in western MT. 

So we are fine, just fine. As you can see I did a Google search and took a screenshot and then put it on this blog. I hope that's not breaking a law of some kind. 

This morning it rained and rained. Then we had a rip roaring thunder and lightning storm. There was a bright flash of lightning then a gigantic crack of thunder. It was very close.
After that everything was quiet and the rain soon stopped. 

"Rain before seven - quit before eleven."
That's the old saying and it was true today.


Rosanna H said...

Yes, stink bugs...also very prevalent in central Virginia. They create a musty sort of smell in rooms of the house when you don't clean out all the corners routinely. They also make the sweeper bag stink after you suck them up.

Glad to hear things are going alright!

Dawn Harshbarger said...

I won't grumble about the asian beetles or the box elder bugs ever again! 😀