Saturday, December 16, 2023


Back in the day, before cell phones, I would sometimes be sitting at home and wondering,  "What is taking so long?" when Ellis didn't get home at the usual time.

Or I might be sitting in the car when he ran in to Fleet Farm for a quick purchase and wait and wait and wait. Finally I'd walk in to see what could be keeping him. Ellis and Trapper John, one of our neighbors, would be standing in the middle of the shoe aisle solving all the world's problems.

I learned to pack a bag with a book to read, paper and pen for writing in case something hit me in the head and needed to be written and maybe even my latest crocheting project.  
Now Ellis will groan when he sees my bag. I just remind him that I am never bored.

Today, I'm the one who stood and talked with a friend. Time slipped past as we chatted about all sorts of things. Of course, first of all I showed her a picture of the baby. 

Honestly, this little gal looks just like a baby doll. This evening when I was cleaning the church another friend called. She was wondering if the baby had arrived. I had failed to call her or even drop a quick note in the mail to let her know. 

Anne Marie shares my last name but we've never discovered if our husbands are related. She grew up in Austria - she still lives in her own home at the age of 96. I am always glad to talk with Anne Marie ... I should say ...
listen to Anne Marie. Sometimes I don't get a word in. She was happy to hear about Gracia Anne. I need to send her some pictures. She doesn't text and she doesn't have a computer at home so I can't email  her. We have to rely on phone calls, snail mail and visits to keep in touch. 

What a fun day. We even got to have supper with my mom.  

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