Monday, November 16, 2015


May I use your eyes now to weep for My children?
Will you let your spirit be touched with My grief?
It is night, and lone midst all forces of evil,
I stand with My hands holding precious relief.
(I haven't found out who wrote this yet.  As soon as I do I will let you know.
Or if you know please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.)

I just got done reading Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis.
Krysta brought it home from the library and said,
"You've got to read this, Mom."

I wasn't sure I wanted to.  But I'm glad I did.
I asked her if all who read it will get
sent to Uganda.  =)  She probably thought,
"Oh, silly Mom," but did not say it.

Katie is like a modern day Amy Carmichael.
Or Mother Theresa.  She adopted a family of girls as
they came to her doorstep or as she found them in villages
around her home.  She poured out her life for them
and they in turn started finding girls with needs and
brought them home.  They wanted to share their
home with everyone they met.

Recently I went with friends to a seminar
and heard a talk about adoption and infertility.

One thing the speaker said about adoptive families -
When you adopt a child you are breaking a cycle.
It could be a cycle of abandonment, alcohol, drugs . . .
. . .  the list goes on.

By doing that the adoptive family has stepped into
enemy territory and is in line for Satan's darts.

This is not a new thought for me. 
This summer I have been thinking
about that very thing over and over.
But I had never heard it said out loud
in just that many words.

This verse came to my mind. 

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
    To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,
        and to keep himself unspotted from the world. 
                                    James 1:27

How do I make this practical in my every day life?

While reading Katie's book I found out about the organization she founded.
Amazima Ministries

Krysta and I found out about Operation Christmas Child and every fall we
try to get some shoe boxes ready and on the way.

There are all sorts of opportunities to help if you look up Christian Aid Ministries.

Here is another way to get involved.
One gal I talked to said she and her husband signed up to sponsor
a child after the birth of each new baby in their home.

There are so many questions that come to my mind
         when I think about war-torn countries
  and refugees looking for a place to sleep at night . . . 
                                a warm place . . .
                             when I think about
                     homeless people in our country

I don't want to just do a whole string of these projects to salve my conscience.
I want to be more purposeful in my prayers for those serving in mission work,
and pray more faithfully for my friends and family who are in the middle of a
spiritual battle because they have courageously adopted children.

    You are brave.  May God richly bless you and your children.

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