Monday, January 12, 2009

History Lessons

"What are they teaching you in history these days, Billy?"

"The 1980s." ;)

from The Family Circus
Maybe the reason I didn't get any blogs written in December was because I was living back in the 90's with Barbara Bush.

I read Barbara Bush . . . A Memoir and Reflections . . . Life after the White House. My family was very polite and let me read anecdotes to them without plugging their ears and running from the room screaming, "No more! I don't want to hear another word."

Just reading the books Barbara Bush wrote inspires me in my relationships with my family. They (George and Barbara) are both so positive and admire their children and grandchildren. The books are full of family get togethers and all the fun they have.

... From congregating in their bedroom at 6:00 AM to read the papers and drink coffee to all the other fun things in between. Of course you'd need a big bedroom to have your family wandering in and out -- drinking coffee and lounging on the couch and resting their feet on the table.

It seems George W. had been out for an early morning run and came in, sat on the couch and stuck his feet up on the table. Barbara told him to take his feet off the table. George said, "Bar, he is THE president of the United States." He says she replied, "I don't care who he is . . . get your feet off the table!"

These books give an inside view of politics and life in Washington D.C. and stories about the Bush family from Barbara's perspective. If you need some books to read you'll find these are hilarious.

AND -- you can travel the world without taking your feet off your own coffee table.

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